Sunday, June 21, 2009

What? Two days off?

I almost never have two whole days off in a row this time of year, but this week I got an actual weekend. I want to remember this to get me through the long, slow slog of summer, so I'm writing it down.

Friday: woke up early, answered emails from bed for a while, went into work at 10:30, left at 11:30 to pick up lunch (crab cakes from the Blue Star, best in town) for me, my hairdresser and his partner, went and got my hair done for two hours. Left the salon, went home and changed clothes, went by the printer's and had a lovely conversation with the manager while they packaged my order, went to back to work. Did more emails for about half an hour, had a meeting with PV who told me I was beautiful and had great eyes (poor boy, he's had a heartbreakingly unrequited crush for three years now). Had a productive, laugh-filled meeting with MK and JL, both of whom I totally adore. Packed up the car with cases, drove to my event, met nice people, talked about beer, drank beer, bid on a silent auction item in my slightly elevated state because it was a GREAT piece and a steal at $350, won, went to an after party, went to an after, after party. Came home.

Saturday: got up early, answered emails from bed for a while, facebooked, decided to go to breakfast. Here's where it gets interesting: tried to go to the golf course for food, but realized (thanks to my handy wi-fi track ap) that they don't have wi-fi. Decided to go to Adams in Manitou because they do have wi-fi, but was foiled by the un-bright, truculent teenaged hostess. So I decided to go to my favorite lunch place which has wi-fi, nice people, great food and (I serendipitiously remembered) a breakfast menu on the weekends. On the drive over, I receive yet another text from asshole Greg. (We've decided to call him Greg F, to distinguish him in conversation from Greg D. The D and the F are to indicate the grades they'd get if we got graded on our lives.) Greg F wanted to know if we could get together and talk because he doesn't want things to be weird between us if we ever run into each other. We won't run into each other, and I don't want to talk (despite my general policy of staying friends with my exes -- I'll make an exception for him). Trav suggests, in fact, that I never speak to him again, which is dramatic considering that he's never said a bad word about any of my boyfriends in the 20 years since I started dating.

Anyway, it's now probably 9:30. I get there and the owner's girlfriend is sitting in her SUV in front of the restaurant. She calls me over: "Hey, gorgeous!", so I go say hi. I tell her about my current problems: severe caffeine depletion, hunger, wi-fi frustration, and Greg F texts. She laughed. "Things will always be weird between you and him and him and the rest of the world because he's weird!" Also, the restaurant doesn't open until 11:00 (apparently it's more of a brunch menu), but that I was welcome to go in and work anyway. She also gave me a cookie to tide me over. So I get a to-go Americano from next door, poke my head into the kitchen to tell the chef I'm sitting at the bar, whip out the computer and take a bite of cookie.

Halfway through the cookie, which I was eating kind of slowly, focusing my energy instead on trying to acquire a connection and also trying to absorb some caffeine, I realized that the cookie was a special cookie. Yay! And then my sister texted me: R U coming over soon? I need ur help. So clearly work was not in the picture for me. I packed up, said bye to the chef and headed out to the house.

While there, I borrowed a designer suit of hers for a thing on Wednesday, painted with my mom in her studio and took apart a motherboard for her multi-media art pieces that she's been doing. It was great, made more so by my being halfway through a 7 hour cookie high. The help Em needed was in breaking a date. "You're good at breaking up with guys!" Thanks, sweetie. She's a litigating attorney. You'd think she'd be better at that sort of thing.

At noon, my mom and I made each other sandwiches (because sandwiches always taste better when someone else makes them) and then I left. I had to race back downtown to meet Michele. I got to the house 3 minutes before she was supposed to pick me up for our goat cheese making class. We drove half an hour out of town to some lady's house in a semi-rural neighborhood. She has 4 ducks, 5 goats and about a dozen chickens. She showed us the animals and the eggs that the birds had laid that day, then we milked a goat, took the milk inside and made goat cheese. Then we ate goat cheese. It was awesome! I have a feeling that outing would have been perfectly zen and wonderful even if I wasn't still riding a sweet little mellow high, but I was and so it seemed like the coolest field trip I'd ever been on.

Em came over almost immediately after I got home. We had a glass of wine and she helped me pick out an outfit for my date. I went to Nosh and left her here. And then I had a really lovely time with a hot intellectual who shares my birthday (I don't know why that seems weird). He's so hip it almost hurts to look at him, and he's dry and ironic. And he's smarter than me and more well-traveled than me. I may have been a little intimidated, but I'm not very familiar with that emotion, so I'm not really sure.

We sat at the table and talked and drank wine and ate tapas for 3 hours probably. Then we went to The Metropolitan and talked to the new owner. Then we went to his place. I had already decided we'd go to his house, because you can tell so much about a guy by where and how he lives. I was dying of curiosity. It was far better than expected. Clean, hip, super modern. Not as many books as you'd expect in the home of a college professor. The sex was amazing. I basically haven't had good sex since I broke up with Greg D in November, unless you count the couple of times that I've bootie-called Greg D since then. Sigh. Seriously, though. Excitingly great package, great body, solid technique. I had multiple orgasms! I do NOT remember it being that good the first time or it wouldn't have been so long since I've seen him. (And for that matter I never would have wasted time with Greg F.) I need to not get all wrapped up though. I don't think I will. I feel pretty level-headed about him, and luckily he'll be in Europe most of the summer.

Anyway, we got up this morning and went to La Baguette for breakfast. I resisted jumping his bones. I should have. What was I thinking? I'm not coy. I wanted it! Damn. Oh well.

Then I read on the porch for a while, and admired my freshly mown lawn. (TD called at breakfast and asked if it was okay if he came over and mowed. I thanked him profusely and said that yes, a friendly gift of yard work is always welcome!) Then I called Trav for a little father's day chat -- I'm pretty sure the dog forgot to mention it. Then I got a text from the good doctor saying he'd like to see me again in the "very near future", so that was nice. Then I called my dad and had a great chat.

Then I went to pick up the kids from mom's since Grandma had taken them to church. I had another great visit with them. We played two games of Scrabble and I realized for the first time that Mom is really competitive. It kind of shocked me that in my thirties, I'm still learning stuff about her. We ended up staying until 8:00. Oh, and then Jake very sweetly told me he loved me, that he was glad I was his mom and that I'm "very spoil-able". Oh and he volunteered to carry Zoe in from the car since she was asleep by the time we got here. He said, "I'll carry the little meatloaf." He's so funny and angelic. Eight is my new favorite age for him.

After I put the kids to bed I started playing on the computer. Oh, and I realized that there's no way in hell the piece of furniture I bought at the auction will fit in this house. Stupid booze.

So. Maybe it was a good weekend because I barely spent ten minutes alone, but it was like a blissed out mini-vacay nonetheless.

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